Twice upon a time...

April 29, 2011

Mother Earth

This week's homework assignment theme was EARTH DAY.  
Here are some of the things we did to celebrate our green and blue home planet.  
Is it a coincidence that Earth Day and Mother's Day are celebrated close to each other?  I think NOT!

These "litter bugs" are completely made out of things we can recycle.
(Can you tell which litter bug belongs to Kacia? ;o)

We planted some seeds, covered with brown earth, poured some water...
then decorated their pail with stickers, sang songs and danced around them to help them grow.

We wrote about WATER, and named one reason (out of a bajillion) why it is important not to waste it.

Look at the blossoming young students focussed on their homework projects... making mama so proud!
Happy Mother Earth Day where ever you are!

April 27, 2011

Homemade Snow Cones

I can't believe THIS machine still lives!  It's the same one my sisters and I used when we were kids.
I remember making shave ice for a special Filipino "halo-halo" dessert.

But the best part about this manually operated machine is: it uses NO electricity, and requires NO batteries.  Instead, it uses a bountiful natural resource to us... twin power!  They love taking turns turning the crank to make the 'snow.'  Then we use our regular juice to flavor our homemade snow-cone, instead of sugary grenadine syrup.  

So the end result is not store bought, puts out zero waste, uses natural energy, is healthy, hydrating, and keeps them delightfully entertained.  I think it is safe to say we scored high on the "Go Green" campaign.

Because here in our home, and on our home planet, 
every day is earth day!

April 17, 2011

Happiness is...

. . . a birthday picnic blanket with lots of friends.

. . . a pool full of floaties and fun.

. . . dress up time.

. . . a (gluten free :) birthday wish!

♥ Happy Birthday Princess! ♥
We hope your birthday wish comes true!!

April 14, 2011

Wonder Twin Powers

Watch this short video about our personal natural energy (with or without super powers)
and the many ways we can put it to good use.  

We are trying to use less 'outer' energy by using more of our natural 'inner' energy.  Sometimes it takes Supermama to find positive, productive, and playful, ways to expend our endless energy.  We hope you can 'unplug' with us and ACTIVATE yourself... even if its only for one day.  How about Earth Day?!

Click Shiva Rea for Yoga Energy Acitivism for more information on what we are doing!

April 11, 2011

South Beach

Look who we saw over the weekend!?!

Uncle James at the Royal Palm.  He's here for a triathlon.  
Everyone should try incorporating the juggling of 5 year old twins
into their daily training regiment to optimize mental stamina and enduring patience.
Everyone.  Tri-athletes included.

Anakai can time you to see how long you can last.

 ~ BFF ~

Good night!

April 2, 2011

Orange Sunrise

We ♥ being the first ones on the beach.  

The beach had not 1... but 2 abandoned boogie boards waiting for us today.

Guess who likes boogie boards?!

April 1, 2011

Flower + Butterfly

The butterfly is a flying flower,
The flower a tethered butterfly.

~Ponce Denis Écouchard Lebrun

 "Rainbow Butterfly" water color painting by Kacia

"Red Flower and Dandelions" water color painting by Anakai


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