Twice upon a time...

April 29, 2011

Mother Earth

This week's homework assignment theme was EARTH DAY.  
Here are some of the things we did to celebrate our green and blue home planet.  
Is it a coincidence that Earth Day and Mother's Day are celebrated close to each other?  I think NOT!

These "litter bugs" are completely made out of things we can recycle.
(Can you tell which litter bug belongs to Kacia? ;o)

We planted some seeds, covered with brown earth, poured some water...
then decorated their pail with stickers, sang songs and danced around them to help them grow.

We wrote about WATER, and named one reason (out of a bajillion) why it is important not to waste it.

Look at the blossoming young students focussed on their homework projects... making mama so proud!
Happy Mother Earth Day where ever you are!


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