Twice upon a time...

River of Life

"I am aware that within me there is The River of Life
that contains my ancestors and my descendants.
All generations of my spiritual ancestors and blood ancestors
are present within me.  I am their continuation."  

Touching the Earth by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

C + cousin Steve (Massachussettes 1981)

The photo below left is C's paternal grandmother who is part native American Indian.  The photo below right is C's maternal grandmother, Seda in Armenia at age 2.

This is my maternal grandparents Ester + Baldomero in the Philippines when WWII began.  This is their first photo together after they got married and Lola Ester is about 3 months pregnant with my mom Beth.


Here's Lola Ester + Lolo Baldomero when I announced my engagement to C.

“Perhaps they are not stars,
but rather openings in heaven
where the love of our lost ones pours through
and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”
~Eskimo Proverb




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