Twice upon a time...

January 10, 2011

South for the Winter

We visited NY for our winter break.

Here's the fr-fr-frozen Hudson River.

 Where there's snow, build a snowman.

Here's our adorable stow away pretending to be luggage.

Here's two - I mean three - sleepy girls in carseats.

Best Apology Award goes to this conversation:

Kacia: Ooowww!!  Mama!  Brittany bit me.
Mama: Brittany.  Did you bite Kacia?
Brittany: Yes.
Mama: Apologize to her.
Brittany:  I'm sorry.  I thought you were Anakai.

Ahhh... back in the sunshine state!

Better to be at the beach with snowflake sunglasses, I say.

No ice burgs here, whew!


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