Twice upon a time...

January 11, 2011

Road Trip Recap

It was a very safe and uneventful drive south.  Thank heavens for that.  With three carseats occupying the back row, every inch of the boot cleverly filled with luggage and toys, and mom riding shot gun; I reflect on this travel adventure like a decorated soldier to his battle story.  It took us three days to complete the thirteen hundred mile passage from The Big Apple to The Sunshine State.  Three  v e r y   l o n g  days.

We were well equipped with all sorts of treats, tricks, and technology.  The kids had books, stuffed friends, snacks, DVD's, Leapster games, the windows for wondering, each other for sharing, singing, and sometimes quarrelling, oodles of time, and endless imagination.  I had TomTom, audio books, and my small dream catcher hanging from the rear view mirror.  (I figured out why I hung it there -- to help protect me if ever I fall asleep at the wheel.  That, and the Starbucks double shot helped greatly.)  Mom tended to all our needs - like snacks, drinks, tissues, blankets, gadgets, games, garbage, and the occasional referee-ing.

Here's my top three most memorable moments of this trip:

3.  Driving through the Shenandoah Valley at sunset, listening to the little giggly girls play a game of Hide-n-Go Seek with Mr. Sun.  Such a perfect driving game with the setting orange sun ducking behind mountains, then peeking out again.  It really made the kiddies laugh for many miles.  Which made me laugh for many miles too :)

Sometimes the sun's strong glare came right at me, and made it tricky to see the road - like in this pic.

2.  At dusk somewhere in the Blueridge Mountains, I pointed out to mom how the mountains looked very purple.  As in 'purple mountains majesty'.  She agreed in a whole new way.  Then told me that she once saw the 'amber waves of grain' in Wisconsin.  We even sang the song!

And my #1 Most Favorite Road Trip Moment, was also an Apology Award winner in the previous post, and is definitely worth the repeat:

Kacia: Ooowww!!  Mama!  Brittany bit me.
Mama: Brittany.  Did you bite Kacia?
Brittany: Yes.
Mama: Apologize to her.
Brittany:  I'm sorry.  I thought you were Anakai.

We stopped for breakfast somewhere in Georgia.

Thanks for tuning in and listening to me share the sweetness I feel from these girls.  Until next post, I'll leave you with this thought from my good friend Lia, "It's too early to start having a bad day."  


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