Twice upon a time...

January 14, 2011

Anakai's Not Feeling Well

We have a girl down today.  The school nurse took her temperature and it was 103.5 :( Kacia was also at the nurse's office, but for moral support (she's fine).   Kacia was helping the nurse tend to Anakai.  Anakai looked miserable and out of it.  She felt hot and thirsty so Kacia would get her a cup of water, and hold a cold towel on her sister's forehead, "to help her feel bettow."  Kacia is such a helpful and caring sister.

I took Anakai to the pediatrician this morning.  He ran a few cultures and tests.  Anakai was a bit cranky, but a very good patient.  A few minutes later, he said she had the flu.

Here she is resting, hydrating, medicating, and waiting for Kacia to come home from school.  (If you look closely, you can see the shiner she sustained under her right eye.  She had an accident with Kacia's head at school.)  (That actually happens to them a lot.)


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