Twice upon a time...

January 22, 2011

Long Week

It began ten days ago with Anakai getting sent home from school with a fever.  Twenty four hours later, Kacia came down with the same fever.  Then Brittany followed 24 hours after her.  Three little girls were home with the flu for the entire week.  That's a house full of feverish, lethargic, coughing, sneezy, yucky nose, cranky and restless kids.  Every day.  And night.  All week long. (Think about that.  Now multiply it by 3.)  Mom + I had to use a "Meds Log" in order to keep track of who took what, when and how.  

Miraculously, the grown-ups managed to dodge this plague, but not without wear-n-tear. (There was only one 2am run to CVS.)  All three girls are feeling much better now.  The fevers are gone.  The puking is over.  Their appetites have returned with a vengeance, and so have their happy face smiles.  
Here are the twins at their follow up visit with the pediatrician.  


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