Twice upon a time...

June 7, 2010

Central Park

The four of us met up with grandpapa Terry + Annette in the big city at Columbus Circle. 

Big City Rule #1: Always hold hands.
Even if we end up with a 'trawler' effect.

Oh look.  It's a statue of liberty.  Wearing shades.  Reaching out to shake a hand...

Big City Rule #2: Always look for mama.  Hi! (◠‿◠)♥  Just ahead is the big playground.

Big slide.

Big swings.

Wow, a big sprinkler park!  Perfect for this hot summer day!

Following Kai-Kai...

Scoping out the water fun.

Resting on a big old rock. 
These big old strong solid rocks are The very reason why all the skyscrapers are built here on Manahattan Island.  (Just a little geological trivia for you.)  I can't wait to show them all the skyscrapers that my dad, Arturo, helped architect.

A big old Merry-Go-Round too?  What an awesome city!
Pretty mini-merry-go-round horse paintings along the fence.

The city isn't complete without it's soundtrack. The saxophone says 'hello' underneath an old walkway.  So romantic!

Ok tired now. What a big city.  Gotta be big girls to take on this town. 
Time to go home.


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