We went to the beach at sunrise.
We went for a walk at Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
I can't seem to get their smiles synchronized, so here are two pics.
It's "day #3" at school which means its a P.E. day. We wear our school t-shirts (that are way too big even though its the smallest size they sold) gym shorts, and sneaky sneakers.
K+A just love kindergarten! They are eager to learn, and are absorbing so much. Kacia began spelling and writing her name before Anakai did. Being twins, Anakai elected to copy her sister. She, too, would write Kacia's name at the top of her page. It created confusion for their teacher.
So the latest project for these identical twins is - writing ones own name correctly. And also recognizing which one is their own name, and which is their sisters name. Below are their names written correctly, by each twinself. Something 'singletons' never have to go through.
Here's a quick story I don't think I've told yet. Its one I will always cherish. I'll call it:
The Dot. Story
When Anakai and Kacia began brushing their own teeth (probably when they were about three years old), I noticed they did not use the mirror. They would just face each other. I mentally categorize it in the 'ok that's probably a DNA thing.' I encouraged them to use the mirror, and watch themselves. Their own self, and how it is a tool to see your face. One day, I watched Kacia looking at her reflection in the mirror, and she discovered her dot beneath her left eye. She saw there wasn't a dot underneath her right eye. She tried to wash it off, rub it, but it didn't come off. That's when she showed me what she just discovered. "Mama look." pointing to it. Anakai came by and also peered at what Kacia was pointing out. They both looked in the mirror intensely and shrugged, "Mama, Anakai's dot is gone."
Since then, they've decided that Kacia has a dot, and Anakai's is simply missing.