Twice upon a time...

August 26, 2007

Random Pics from Beth (2006)

At a year and a half old, I went away for a week, the first time away from the twinkies since they were born! When I returned, Wawa Beth + Chris elected to graduate the twinkies out of cribs and into their new 'big girl' beds... availing the rest of the house to their double-duty disposal (and consequently leaving the mama to cower in the kitchen, dispensing food as needed) That same week, earth-moving equipment arrived to our estate to dig a 300' long trench behind our house. Here's are the twinkies on the back hoe, digging up our property, and staying hydrated. Nothing was quite the same since!
This one (left) was taken in the Spring of 2006. My older sis, Didi and the twinkies.

The photo below was taken at Ashley's graduation from nursery school and to kindergarten, Spring 2006. This question was posited to our young nursery school grad "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Ashley firmly exclaimed loud and proud, "I wanna be a princess!"

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