Twice upon a time...

August 25, 2007

1st Birthday Party (2006)

Here are pics from their 1st birthday party, July 1 2006 (o: better late than never :o) Here's some crazy family tidbit: This is the day we found out that the twins on Chris' side of the family our ring bearers Ted + Nate, were celebrating their birthday as well. But it doesn't stop there! The twins on Sheila's side of the family, Benjamin (BJ) + Nikki were also celebrating their birthday!!! Okay, how odd is that!? Three sets of twins, all whom were in our wedding party (except Kacia + Anakai, I guess) and ALL share the same July 1st birthday!! (: :) :)(: :)(:

Key: Kacia - yellow, Anakai - pink

Thanks to: Uncle James + Claire for rocking tiger and rocking lion; and Tita Xenia's roommie, the happy baker, who made their gorgeous gourmet double decker strawberry shortcake - all from scratch!! She hand ground african vanilla beans, and meticulously hand brush-painted the amazing birthday cake!! An edible masterpiece!! And Linda (again) for all the pics!

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