Twice upon a time...

December 18, 2012

Dear Santa,

Kacia's letter:

Dear Santa, I was good and please give me the things thats on my list here -> I want a Hello Kitty, lava lamp, doll, Barbie, furby.

Anakai's letter:

Dear Santa, 
Today is december but are you going to give the presents that I want? (to get?)  I want a lava lamp and a robe and a doll and a furby and what -> ever you want Santa.  
From Anakai

 And another letter from Kacia:

Dear Santa, I am sorry for biting Anakai's head and I am telling the truth I am, and I am going to tell you why.  Because I wanted to play 'candy cane' (a game) on the iPad and Anakai wanted it too and we didn't want to share.  So I bit her and I am sorry so please give me nice presents.  From Kacia


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