Twice upon a time...

December 23, 2012

An Evening with Tita Xenia

Happy bellies full of yummy steak, spare ribs, a bloomin' onion, and hot black bread... delish!

The twinkies look so much like their Tita Xenia when she was their age.  

We went to see a Christmas lights display... with 3D glasses.

 Psychedelic ginger bread house

December 22, 2012

Sweet Reflection

I stumbled across this photo and just had to share!  Here are cuddly twin polar bears all ready for their first winter at 5 months.

December 18, 2012

Dear Santa,

Kacia's letter:

Dear Santa, I was good and please give me the things thats on my list here -> I want a Hello Kitty, lava lamp, doll, Barbie, furby.

Anakai's letter:

Dear Santa, 
Today is december but are you going to give the presents that I want? (to get?)  I want a lava lamp and a robe and a doll and a furby and what -> ever you want Santa.  
From Anakai

 And another letter from Kacia:

Dear Santa, I am sorry for biting Anakai's head and I am telling the truth I am, and I am going to tell you why.  Because I wanted to play 'candy cane' (a game) on the iPad and Anakai wanted it too and we didn't want to share.  So I bit her and I am sorry so please give me nice presents.  From Kacia

December 16, 2012


Outfits, accessories, shoes and make-up all by themselves.

(I'm just the photographer)

(and the blogger :)

December 13, 2012

Oh, Christmas Tree

Decorating, singing, and smiling stage.

Grandpapa helped us pick out our tree this year!
We collected pine cones and spray painted them silver.

Then we went to see the boat parade float along the intracoastal waterways.
Oh, what fun!

December 4, 2012

Gingerbread Houses

Kacia's gingerbread house

Anakai's gingerbread house

Anakai's winter scene... snow-mama with snow-twins

December 2, 2012

Twin Elves

Painting our Christmas tree calendars.

Now each tiny drawer needs a special design.



This year, Kacia will give her twin sister a small present every day until Christmas... 
and Anakai will give her twin sister a small present each day too. 


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