Twice upon a time...

February 25, 2012

Soccer Trophies

Here is team orange receiving their trophies from their awesome coaches, Coach Steve and Coach Gary.

Between the coaches
What a great first soccer season for the twins.  They both did better and better with each game, and ended their last play-off game with a win by one point!

Kacia finally 'got it' on the last game.  Coach Gary -literally - held her hand during practice drills, and said,"Here come the pirates with the ball and our job as scallywags is to take the ball from them, and pass it to each other.  Ready?" This proved so valuable for their last game as I heard from the sidelines, "Kacia, be a scallywag!" Then she knew exactly what to do.  She assisted in 3 goals.

Meanwhile Anakai had lots of support from her orange teammates.  She greatly improved for the last game.  Her teammates would kindly say, "Wrong way Anakai, the other goal."  She even scored a goal!  

They're excited to play soccer next season.  Until then, we'll be practicing being scallywags and pirates.  Go Orange Panthers!


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