Twice upon a time...

August 31, 2011

In Our Bedroom

Everything is "twin size"
Here's a quick little story for you...

We assembled Anakai's "new" bed recently.  

"Can I sleep in your new bed, Anakai?" asked Lola Beth.

"No." Anakai replied,

"That's MY new bed.  
You sleep in your old bed.  
Because you're old."

August 27, 2011

Happy School Year!

Ready.  Set. Happy School Year!

The twinkies have different teachers, in different classrooms this year.
Will they be okay?
Tune in each week to find out.

August 17, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Uncle Whit and Aunt Sharon took us fishing off their boat.  They got us real fishing rods, perfectly sized for little kids.  Then we went to a cool fishing spot, and look what Kacia caught!

Anakai hollers, "Hooray for Kacia!"  High 5 sister!

"Kacia, I'm so proud of you."


"Oh my goodness!  I can't believe I caught a fish too!" says Anakai.

"One fish"

Fishing with Grand Den

Aunt Sharon showing us how its done.

How to use your trigger finger


Look how many I caught!

"Two fish"

Hold down the pointy spine...

Anakai can't believe any of it.

What an amazing first time fishing experience!
After we posed with all the fish, we threw them all back in their ocean home so they can grow even bigger.  This is a day we'll never ever forget, thanks to Gra Su's awesome pictures.

August 16, 2011

August 5, 2011

To The Sea

Sprinkled with salt.

Embraced by the wind...

Lulled by the sea.

'I must down to the seas again for the call of the running tide 
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied.'

~John Masefield

Museum Of Natural History

Twins on the half shell

August 4, 2011

Bronx Zoo

Ulster County Park

We're back from vacation!  The twinkies spent the month of July with Gra Su & Grand Den doing all sorts of fun things.  The next few blog posts will be a re-cap of their time together through Gra Su's awesome photos.  Here they are splashing about on the mighty Hudson River.


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