Twice upon a time...

March 29, 2011

Good Morning Sun

Greeting the dawn

One who looks outside the heart, dreams.
One who looks within the heart, Awakens.

March 22, 2011

Big Mama Moon

They called it the "super moon" but the twins called it  "The Big Mama Orange Moon".  Here they are trying to catch it as it was rising up from the magnificent ocean.

March 16, 2011

Spring Fair at Patch Reef Park

dragon roller coaster

clowning around

First time on the spinning Swinger ride.

They were absolutely terrified.  

Uncle Christopher won a prize for Brittany

Identical twin girls rule!

We had so much fun at the Spring Fair.  No tantrums, no fighting, and not a single melt down... yay!

March 13, 2011

Sea Turtle Day

We saw "Ross the Sea Turtle" and he gave us a big flipper hug!

We ♥ the ocean.
So we went to Sea Turtle Day at Gumbo Limbo to celebrate them,
and learn the many ways to respect their liquid home. 

Look how big they can get!  
Anakai hugging her ocean brother.

Just in case you thought these guys were real, they're not.
They are just life size replicas for us to play on.  Aren't they awesome?

We watched an educational performance by the Sol Childrens Theatre Troupe.
Here we are discussing some of the ways we can help save water starting at home.
They said "every drop counts!"  
Here's a link so you can help save water with us 10 Easy Ways to Save Water

Popsicle time.

We miss you Ashley!

Here's Anakai and Brittany petting a snake.

We saw a hammerhead shark!

Two baby hammerhead sharks live in this tank, along with a big sea turtle, some fish, and a couple of awesome starfish.  Here we are learning how to respect them all.

More salt water friends :)

The twinkies aren't old enough yet to participate in the turtle hatchling release program.  They'll have to wait til they're 8 years old to help the new born turtles find their way to their sea home.  Until then, we're glad that our beach fronts help protect the sea turtles by keeping the shoreline dark at night.  This way, there will be plenty of sea turtle eggs for us to watch in 3 years!

March 8, 2011

Quiet Moment

Quiet moment gone

Gotta ♥ those precious quiet moments

Kids say the darndest things.  Here's 2 of my latest favorite things I've heard them say recently:

I over heard Anakai yelling at her twin sister, "You're not Anakai.  I'm Anakai!"

We were all walking along one day when Brittany said to Kacia, "Hold my hand.  And say, 'Yes, your majesty'."

March 6, 2011

Dr. Seuss Week

The kindergarteners celebrated Dr. Seuss' 80th birthday by having a book inspired theme all week.  Here's what last week looked like for us: 

Monday Cat in the Hat wear your craziest hat
Tuesday Fox in Socks wear your silliest socks
Wacky Wednesday wear your wackiest hair 
Thursday Wocket in my Pocket bring something little in your pocket
Friday Green Eggs and Ham
(Parents signed waivers stating their child wasn't allergic to anything in this title.  Eww.)
and their first book report was due.  

Here is Kacia's first book report.
Anakai's book report was Hop On Pop,
but I didn't snap a pic of her homework before she handed it in.
Oh well, next time.
But in the mean time, check this out!  Mrs. Obama reads "Green Eggs and Ham"

March 4, 2011


If instead of a gem,

or even a flower,

we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend,

that would be giving as the angels give.

-quote by G. MacDonald-


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