Twice upon a time...

December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Here's our parol glowing in the window.  
(It's the Philippine's traditional equivalent to America's Christmas tree.)

Christmas Eve at the beach

Twinmade trees, presents with bows, pajamas with smiles, 
and bedtime kisses from 2 girls on Santa's Nice List... 
This Christmas, K+A really got into the spirit of the season.  Anakai sang her favorite song 'I miss you a merry Christmas' while Kacia memorized all the names of Santa's reindeer.   Gra Su read us the classic "T'was the night before Christmas" from her laptop.

On Christmas morning we found plenty o' presents stuffed in the twins stockings.

Logging in time on their new Leapsters from Grasu + Granden.

The next morning, Anakai checked her stocking again to see if there were more presents to open.  I had to be the bearer of sad news and explain that Santa won't be back for a year.

Hope your Christmas was filled with family love, peace, and presents too!


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