Twice upon a time...

October 18, 2010

Twin Cays

Looks like the heavens blessed us with a/nother spectacular Saturday sunrise.
[Prepare for picture overload!]

Not only does this touch my heart, 

but it also warms my soul.

We claimed this sandbar "Twin Cay"


It was "Sand Sifters Saturday" today (behind kissy Kacia) where a local
high school gathered early in the a.m.  to clean up the beach. 

Anakai Ocean loves her shrinking sandbar island.

double vision

There they are!

This osprey caught something.  (Click the pic to see)

I wonder why this sailboat was getting so much attention.

It's hard to believe this day could get even more perfect, but it did.

 The ocean temperature was a perfect 80f degrees.  With that long sandbar protecting a shallow strip of sea about a foot deep, the conditions were perfect for little children to watch fish swimming in their natural habitat.

(*Note to Santa again: twin kiddie snorkel gear maybe?)


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