Twice upon a time...

August 14, 2009

Speaking Of...

I must admit something: I love my children's accent! Here are some of my favorites:

Kacia says "ka-WA-wa' bear

Anakai loves 'WA-ma-ME-mon'

Especially with this rainy summer season, they both love to use their 'um-BRE-ma' outside.

Christopher snickers each time they screach 'CRO-ah-da-ya'

An 'EH-eh-fan' lives in the jungle along with 'ja-WAF', 'ty-go', and 'WY-on'.

A 'BOO-fog' lives in the pond

An 'AH-uh-poos' lives in the ocean

You gotta 'BRU-ah-tee' before you go to bed

They love to eat 'noo-noos' for lunch

Then have an 'o-yenge and PAH-poo PA-ah-sils' for dessert.

Last but not least, they now ask for a kiss then say 'I WAF-woo'


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