Twice upon a time...

August 20, 2009

Constitution Marsh

Here we are on our walk in (what turned out to be) the middle of the hottest day of the entire summer.

Mom, Kacia, and Linda in the foreground; Brittany, William, and Anakai ahead.

Now we're by the train tracks, and William is surrounded by girls.

Oh, THERE'S everyone's face! (I had to run ahead to get this pic! :)

Resting in the shade.

Ahhh, air-conditioning!

So refreshing!

August 14, 2009

Speaking Of...

I must admit something: I love my children's accent! Here are some of my favorites:

Kacia says "ka-WA-wa' bear

Anakai loves 'WA-ma-ME-mon'

Especially with this rainy summer season, they both love to use their 'um-BRE-ma' outside.

Christopher snickers each time they screach 'CRO-ah-da-ya'

An 'EH-eh-fan' lives in the jungle along with 'ja-WAF', 'ty-go', and 'WY-on'.

A 'BOO-fog' lives in the pond

An 'AH-uh-poos' lives in the ocean

You gotta 'BRU-ah-tee' before you go to bed

They love to eat 'noo-noos' for lunch

Then have an 'o-yenge and PAH-poo PA-ah-sils' for dessert.

Last but not least, they now ask for a kiss then say 'I WAF-woo'

August 5, 2009

"Mommy, It's Stuck."

One of Kacia and Anakai's latest favorite activity is stringing together beads. All kinds to make into necklaces or bracelets. An activity every mama wishes for her sweet angels. Quiet. Focused. Sharing. Until Kacia points to her nose and says, "Mommy, it's stuck."

What is stuck? I mean, here I am supposedly monitoring and momming with complete attention.

Long story chopped, we had to call the pediatrician. We successfully dislodged a sparkly pink bead from my daughter face.


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