March 11, 2009
The Potty Club Presents:
Kacia Roo! Here she is after finishing her "Kacia pee-pee in the potty" dance.
I feel like I've been trying foreverrr with double potty training, and this is what I've come up with. It isn't 'double potty training' at all... its just 'potty training' provided she, or she, is ready. In this case, she [Kacia] is ready (with a score of 5/7 PP's yesterday, 3/4 PP's today. Poopie score is 3 for 3) While she [Anakai] is less ready, but not far behind.
So in effort to help encourage Kacia's success, she gets to choose to wear whatever she wants (which above, is my nighty. So I think to myself ~if it weren't for her, it would still be in the lingerie drawer~) and have another graham cracker with nutella, as I'm not above using tricks and bribery.