Twice upon a time...

March 22, 2009

Out Back

By "out back" I mean, out back behind our house...

March 11, 2009

The Potty Club Presents:

Kacia Roo! Here she is after finishing her "Kacia pee-pee in the potty" dance.

I feel like I've been trying foreverrr with double potty training, and this is what I've come up with. It isn't 'double potty training' at all... its just 'potty training' provided she, or she, is ready. In this case, she [Kacia] is ready (with a score of 5/7 PP's yesterday, 3/4 PP's today. Poopie score is 3 for 3) While she [Anakai] is less ready, but not far behind.

So in effort to help encourage Kacia's success, she gets to choose to wear whatever she wants (which above, is my nighty. So I think to myself ~if it weren't for her, it would still be in the lingerie drawer~) and have another graham cracker with nutella, as I'm not above using tricks and bribery.

March 9, 2009

Down By The Riverside

We went for a stroll along Hudson River.

Anakai loves being by the river.

Kacia admires the river too.

Greeting the Hudson during the Spring thaw... it might be warm and sunny out, but the water still has ice burgs in it!

Be careful girls... don't fall in!!

Uh-oh... Kacia fell in! :(

March 8, 2009

Maple Syrup

Hooray, Spring is here! Time to tap the maple trees and move our clocks forward one hour.

Kacia watches the drips of sweet water collecting in the tiny cup.

Anakai counting the drops of sugar maple sap dripping into the catching bucket.


After collecting buckets and buckets of the sweet tree juice, they boil it over a huge fire for hours and hours... until...

That is Mr. Syrup himself! They say he's a really sweet guy... (ba-dumm bump)

Tony and William enjoying the maple syrup over hot pancakes.

Anakai loves maple syrup!

Waiting for more pancakes, or burning off the fresh maple syrup rush.

Either way, its a gorgeous Spring day!

March 2, 2009


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