Twice upon a time...

June 20, 2008

"Super Beasts" Gymnastics Class

The twinkies love the Little Gym's toddlers class. There's so many fun things to do with their teacher Mrs. Daniella!

On the uneven parallel bars - Anakai is up, Kacia is down.

So much fun for everyone! (Except for Grand-Den in the background with a cranky Anakai :)

Anakai can walk on the balance beam (then become easily distracted... which quickly turns into distructive, and suddenly dangerous.)

They love to bounce and jump on the air-trampoline.

Happy Kacia!

Here's the "Now its time to put the balls away" song, "at the Little Gym" Watch how Anakai still wants to put away just one more ball.

"RUN!!" Now they yell that and take off as fast as they can.
The good thing is: they love to run! The bad thing is: they run on cue whenever they hear the words, "Lets change your diaper."

The Little Gym Awards Ceremony, Spring Class 2008. Here is Kacia and Anakai receiving their very first 'everyone gets an award' award from Mrs. Daniella.

Anakai sports her first medal!

"Bye-bye Superbeasts" song with Mrs. Daniella. Look how everyone is gathered - except for the twinkies. Anakai can not stay still, and Grand-Den is following Kacia way in the background.

Time to get a stamp on your paws, and go on home! Hooray!

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