Twice upon a time...

September 26, 2011

September 25, 2011

7am Sunday

What does 7:00 am on a Sunday look like at your house?

September 23, 2011


Mom, can we keep him?

Anakai always finds the best seat on the beach.

September 6, 2011

First Tooth

Anakai lost her first tooth!  She said it did not hurt, and she didn't even cry.  Buh-bye baby teeth, guess who's a big girl now?

The tooth fairy visited our home for the very first time last night.  I hear the current rate is $5 for the first tooth per kid, and $2 subsequent teeth.  FYI, Kacia's same tooth is a bit wiggly now.

September 5, 2011

Coconut Cove Waterpark

They went on this over and over again.

"Extreme Kid Survival" training?

Our friend Hali, surfing a turtle.

Turtle hatchlings at recess.


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