Twice upon a time...

May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

 Here are some weekend scenes.

Hope you had a great weekend too!

May 21, 2011

VIP Reception

VIP stands for "Very Important Parents" Reception

Skimmery dinky dinky dink, skimmery dinky doo...

Mother dear, can you guess
who it is that loves you best?

I ❤ happy kids in a circle


May 16, 2011

Tita Xenia

Yay, Tita Xenia's here!

We did lots of fun things together.

We flew a really cool kite together.

Boogie board together!


We ate lots of yummy food together.

Opened up a tent... together.

Saw a rainbow halo around the sun.

This tent is sooo relaxing....

Off to school.
Bye Tita Xenia.  It was so nice to see you!

May 10, 2011


“Your children are not your children. 
They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.” 

-Kahlil Gibran

May 9, 2011

Mama's Day

"The heart holds the purest answers.
The journey of joy and inner peace is through the heart."
You, my darling daughters, will always be safe inside Mama's heart.

What beautiful gifts for Mama!

Here's baby me with my mom

and here's Mama me with my babies
One day when you're ready, you'll both grow up strong and healthy, brilliant,
and become a beautiful mama too.

Thank you Kacia and Anakai, for choosing me to be your Mama.
Namaste for Mama's day


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