Twice upon a time...

December 26, 2009

Making Spirits Bright

We all gathered chez D's for Christmas dinner, just like last year. All but C, who was working overtime, again just like last year. Don't worry, C did not miss dinner because D set up a nice big Christmas plate he feasted upon about midnight. Awesome dinner D! It's sooo my favorite meal to have with the family!

Here they are, the cute catastrophe, opening pre-dinner presents from X+R. Oh, they each got their own sliding kazoo...

The twinkies had been stacking and re-stacking every present beneath the tree for over a week now. I commend them for the restraint they practiced throughout the week each time they'd bring to me, then show me another - still wrapped - present. Opposed to an - already torn open - present. But this Christmas morning at 6:30am, they stacked all the presents on my bed. All.

Grandkiddies pic, take 1.

Thank you Annette! K+A love these beautiful white princess dresses.

Grandkiddies pic take: 2

They're so much quieter and still in this picture.

I'm pretty sure she's having way more fun with her 4 granddaughters now than she ever did with her 3 daughters! (hehehe :)

Below is what I got for Christmas. Something they just invented. Something I didn't know I would've always wanted. Specifically created for a me, a mama of twinkies (perhaps to not waste their precious twin-time and save twin-energy, or maybe because I love big juicy kisses from these delicious girls :)

Mama got a... 'twins-kiss'!

December 13, 2009

Roller Skating

Who wants to go roller skating, say "me"? "MEEEEE!" the twinkies squeel and jump with excitement. (Then there was that older male voice. Does that sound like Grand Den saying 'me'?)

Anakai is skating!

Just not going very far.

We did have some minor technical difficulties. The skate rentals for the twinkies had velcro fasteners. Worn out velcro that failed. At first, I thought it was a brilliant idea - they were 'easy on'. But we quickly learned 'easy on' also meant 'easy off'.

Lucky for all, this next clip was the biggest tragedy (next to leaving, that is.)

BTW, a big round of applause for Grand-Den and Gra-Su! Woohooo!!

Dennis, who after 30 years time, willingly strapped wheels to his over six feet stature, after making us all a beautiful Sunday breakfast and braving the sloppy, snowy roads.

There were no injuries and a ton of smiles today -- hip, hip, hooray!

And for Gra-Su! Who was able to sit rink-side and wave each time the twinkies would skate past, and personally report, 'I smiled so much my cheeks hurt." :)

December 9, 2009

Tree Trimming

In our home, trimming the Christmas tree is a family tradition that began way before the twinkies could even join us.

Here's D attaching hooks onto the pine cones that K+A collected and C painted silver.

Isn't this what you're supposed to do with a Christmas stocking, Grand Den?

I love the silver pine cones!



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