Twice upon a time...

July 30, 2009

Don't Rock The Boat, Baby

Here we are on our first family row boat ride!

Don't tip the boat.

Life is but a dream...

Lake Canopus

Tranquil lily pad blossoms

Anakai's cute voice broke the silence by saying, "Mr. Bull-Fog, where are you?"

Out least nobody fell out of the boat!

July 22, 2009

Keyless Entry

I just watched Anakai show Kacia how to unlock the master bedroom door from out in the hall using a toy shark. First she used its dorsal fin, but that didn't work. So she turned the shark around to use the tip of its tail. Voila! Anakai successfully turns the doorknob and quietly smiles to Kacia and says, "Shhhh."

July 21, 2009


We went to the beach with Tita Wee-a and had a wuv-wee day!

July 18, 2009

A Snipit

Anakai doesn't even know how much trouble she's in.

Yesterday morning, I woke up to Anakai over me with a pair of scissors in one hand and locks of my hair - little baby fist fulls - in the other. I heard another 'snip' before I could comprehend what exactly was happening. It's when she held up her trimmings to show me - that's when I knew my nightmare cometh true. She gave me a haircut while I was asleep.

Thanks Anakai.

July 11, 2009


The new trampoline is a big hit! Thank you Uncle James!





Heads up Linda!!

Britty too!

July 9, 2009

Cold Spring

What a glorious day for a walk around our picture perfect village!

See my two wildflowers?

July 8, 2009

Staying Cool

...Is serious business around here.

Rule #1. Gotta wear shades.

Even if its the only thing, and upside down.

Rule #2. Gotta always be camera-ready.

Rule #3. Gotta be buoyant.

Rule #4. Gotta make it look easy.

Papa shows the twinkies a little frog. "Hello Mr. Frog!"

"Goodbye Mr. Frog."

July 7, 2009

Ice Cream

Look what we caught in the net!

Tita Alma, Ashley, Brittany, Kacia, and Anakai.

Breakneck Ridge

Up we go!

Anakai waits for Kacia and papa.

Follow the circles.

Half way up.

Now we can catch a glimpse of the castle on an island.

The twinkies made it to the top where there's a flag. Luckily it was my camera (and not us!) who ran out of batteries, so we don't have any pics of reaching the top of Breakneck Ridge. Can't wait for the next climb.

July 2, 2009

Birth Day Poem

Ode To Twin Mamahood
Four years ago today
I split myself in three.
I entered tandem motherhood
And wished there was more of me.

First year was a sprint
Second was a chore
Third year was a marathon
What can happen at four?

Holding hands, singing songs,
Double potty training
Pink umbrellas, gymnastics class,
Mud puddles when its raining.

But that's not all I have to say
About the last four years,
I didn't miss their first words or steps
Or kissing away sad tears.

Catching bubbles in the air
Purple mulberry stained feet
Swing in the hammock counting fireflies
'Til my twinkies fall asleep.


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