Twice upon a time...

April 29, 2009

Lawn Fun!

Three musketeers.

When William says, "Ready to catch us Sheila?!" Its less a question and more a warning.

These kids are growing so big while I'm growing weak...

William can do anything he wants with these 3 girls!

Look at mom's fantastic natural looking posture.

Relaxing in the grass.

April 27, 2009

Magnolia Tree

The temperature went from being in the mid 40's on Thursday, to 90 degrees on Friday! So typical of the New York rat-race... even the seasons are in a rush.

April 21, 2009

Life Is Good

Soup for me. Soup for you.

Mom's sinigang... ma sarap eh!

Kacia, Brittany (with croc-o-da-ya), Anakai, and William watching "My Neighbor Totoro" after eating another delicious dinner filipino soul food style. Thanks mom!

April 16, 2009

Bye-Bye Winter, Hello Spring!

Time to get outside and do some gardening...or at least push the wheelbarrow around.

The weeping willow tree is budding, the forsythia's blooming, Anakai is growing...

April 13, 2009

Easter '09

This year, Kacia got to dye her first Easter eggs - with a little bit o' help from Tita Xenia.

Oh boy, Anakai's turn!


Didi prepared a bagel bar brunch before we went on the egg hunt outside.


Kacia loves hunting for Easter eggs!

Anakai likes the "chaw-kee" (chocolate) inside.

April 4, 2009

Silly Stories

There are so many little stories to tell. Here's just a few!

My friend Lia, Anakai, and I were sitting quietly in the woods on some rocks. Lia said, "I wish I knew where my 2007 tax returns were." Anakai replied, "I do!" "Where?!!" Lia asked. Anakai got up and proceeded to peek under every rock and pile of leaves, leaving none unturned.

Kacia was spelling out a word I pointed out to her, "L - O - V - E" That's right Kacia! After clapping and praise I asked, "What does that spell?" She enthusiastically replied, "Bear!"

When the twinkies say anyone of these three words: "frog" "fork" or "fire king", it often causes mild shock since it sounds much like cussing.

Kacia often talks in her sleep. I've even heard her giggle, then fall right back asleep. One night, she turned over and said, "Meeow. Meeeow." and continued sleeping.

When Anakai really really enjoys something she is eating (like chicken adobo or vanilla ice cream) she will get up and change her spoon to the biggest spoon she can find. Sometimes she uses a soup ladle for her bowl of cereal.

Kacia is really into the color blue. Especially straws. She will only drink her beverage if she has a blue straw. So we kept having to buy another pack of colorful straws just so Kacia can quickly use the very few blue ones. Anakai thought this unfair, and thus began the battle for the blue straw.


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